New: OpenStack with Cluster API

New: managing your fine-grained permissions
Security and access control to resources are top of mind for everyone running Kubernetes. And while powerful, role-based access control (RBAC) in Kube …

Giant Swarm's farewell to PSPs
Pod Security Policies (PSPs) are deprecated and will be removed in Kubernetes version 1.25. Obviously, our customers still want to have security contr …

Is security shifting left or right?
December 2021: everybody was left hustling to find out if their software includes log4j software. The first step towards finding and patching the publ …

Turtles all the way down are still just turtles
If you’ve been following us for a while, you may remember that about a year ago, we decided to go all-in with Cluster API (CAPI). If you would like a …

Getting out of technical debt
Kubernetes is a fast-moving open-source project. The guiding principle being: release early and release often. This philosophy is a key reason Kuberne …

New: managed Linkerd service mesh
Why observability?

New: built-in Grafana dashboards now available to all Giant Swarm users
If you’re reading this, you probably already know how important observability is for cloud-native, especially at an infrastructure level. As part of o …

The finale: cost optimization in the cloud
Thanks for getting this far with us. By now you will have learned that moving workloads to Kubernetes and the public cloud will not necessarily get yo …